This week Pastor Josh continues his series on Spiritual Formation with a message on The Holiness of God - Worship and Service. In Colossians, 3:9-11 Paul tells us that we will be changed according to how we see God, verse 10, "And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." 

We need an encounter and experience with Almighty God and when we see Him revealed, we will change into His image and represent Jesus. 

In Isaiah 6, we learn God gave Israel knowledge of Himself so they could reflect Him to others and be His servants. Pastor Josh points out that Isaiah's experience in Isaiah 6 shows us how seeing God leads us to worship and worship leads to responding to the Creator's call. He explains three benefits of worship are: stressing God's worthiness, strengthening our faith, and reminding us life is about God, not us (we exist to serve God).

Please watch this week's message and learn that reflecting the character of God and the Glory of Jesus is found in service to others and that seeing God produces worship and service.