God First, is the title of part ten of Pastor Josh's Spiritual Formation series. This week he wraps up the financial section of his series by covering how to walk the balanced path between the ditch of poverty and the ditch of materialism. He explains the two philosophies in life regarding value: Instrumental (a stepping stone to something) and Intrinsic (something that is valuable in and of itself).

Pastor Josh shows us how tithing has intrinsic value, it is worth doing because it is good and honorable in and of itself. Bringing God our tithe is an opportunity to honor and worship Him. Proverbs 3:9- "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops..."  God wants us to worship and honor Him through trust and we can show Him that we trust Him, by bringing Him the things that matter most to us. Tithing is submitting to the reality that God is first.

We encourage you to watch this week's message and learn how you can live freely and generously, by putting God First in every area of your life.